Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana,
A.Bekturov street, 3/1, office 83
+7 7172 24 84 26, +7 700 424 84 26

Macroeconomic Implications of Health Sector Reforms in Kazakhstan

In the period of 2018-2021 the Institute conducted a longitudinal research “Macroeconomic Impacts of Health Sector Reforms in Kazakhstan”, which aims to evaluate the ongoing policy of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the transition to the Compulsory Social and Medical Insurance (CSMI). Within the framework of the project, the expectations of the target groups regarding the transition to compulsory health insurance were studied.

In 2018, the target groups (population, doctors, management of medical institutions, representatives of SMEs) were interviewed using a face-to-face method. The total sample was 4400 respondents. The survey was conducted in 14 regions of Kazakhstan and in Astana and Almaty.

In 2019 and 2020, namely doctors of various specialties (pediatricians, therapists, surgeons, etc.) were surveyed again. Survey was conducted in 14 regions of Kazakhstan and in Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent. In 2021, respondents from the “population” category were re-interviewed - a total of 650 respondents.

All results of the longitudinal research are open and available for review. To obtain the results of the research, please contact the head office of the Institute. e-mail: , tel.: +7 7172 24 84 26, +7 700 424 84 26
