А 53 Analysis of the migration process from Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan) to South Korea: condition, structure, strategy – Edited by Botagoz Rakisheva – Korea Foundation, Public Opinion Research Institute, 2022 – Аstana – 160 p.
This report was prepared based on the results of the international project “Analysis of the migration process from Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan) to South Korea: condition, structure, strategy” conducted by the Public Opinion Research Institute with the grant support of the Korea Foundation under the program Policy-oriented Research Support Program-2021.
The report includes the results of a research conducted in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and South Korea in 2022. The research examined the issues of ethnic, labor, undocumented, educational, marriage migration from Central Asian countries to South Korea through surveys with migrants and experts, as well as content analysis of social networks, media and desk research.
Taking into account the relevance of migration issues and its consequences for international relations, politics, economy and society as a whole, it is important to comprehensively study this area and permanently monitor its condition both in the countries from which the migration flow occurs and in the host country.
This report is recommended to specialists in the field of migration, international relations, diasporology, Korean studies.
Labour migrants in Kazakhstan

The study “Labour migrants in Kazakhstan” is part of the project “Asia Regional Migration Program” funded by the United States Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM USA) and implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Sub-regional Coordination Office for Central Asia in Kazakhstan.
This publication is the result of a highly collaborative effort involving a team of international and national experts from Kazakhstan. The overall direction and coordination of the study were carried out by the IOM Sub-regional Coordination Office for Central Asia in Kazakhstan, represented by Senior Project Assistant Aliya Kozhakhmetova and former National Programme Officer Yevgeniy Khon.
Authors: Hélène Syed Zwick and Zhaniya Sazanova
Field research in Kazakhstan was carried out by the Public Opinion Research Institute
The Role of Digital Remittances: Consolidated Findings from Supply and Demand Research

This report is part of the outputs under the regional initiative “Mitigating the effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on migrants and their families from Central Asia” produced with the financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and implemented by IOM.
This research project aims to examine the digital remittance systems and usage in the Russian Federation and Central Asian countries, the legal, infrastructure, and the perception and behavioural barriers that may be limiting the uptake of digital financial services among migrants and remittance recipients. The research focuses particularly on the behavioural aspects of the process that may limit the engagement of migrants and remittance recipients in digital remittances and adjacent financial services. The results of this research will contribute to the evidence base for designing programmes to enhance the use of digital remittances among migrants and their recipient families, and ultimately to improve the financial inclusion of this target group using digital services.
The report was developed by: Donhatai Harris (lead author), and Anna Prohorova working under supervision of Michael Newson (Senior Labour Mobility & Human Development Specialist, Regional Office for South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, International Organization for Migration, Vienna – Austria).
Field work in Kazakhstan was conducted by Public Opinion Research Institute.

R20. Botagoz Rakisheva. Illegal migration of Kazakhstanis to South Korea. – Kazakhstan Council on International Relations (KCIR) – Nur-Sultan, 2020.- p. 60
The book includes the results of a study of illegal migration from Kazakhstan to South Korea. Based on official statistics, the results of sociological research, interviews with illegal migrant workers, marriage migrants and observations, the author reveals the peculiarities of the formation of labor youth migration, adaptation and integration of migrants in South Korean society.
The presence of 10 thousand Kazakhstanis - undocumented migrant workers illegally working in South Korea, requires attention and government regulation.
Recommended for the experts in the field of migration, international relations, diasporology.