YOUTH OF CENTRAL ASIA. Comparative review

YOUTH OF CENTRAL ASIA. Comparative review. Under scientific supervision of prof. Klaus Hurrelmann and Peer Teschendorf (Germany, Berlin). Almaty, 2017- pp.56
This publication was prepared on the basis of the intercountry sociological research “Youth of Central Asia”, conducted on the request of the Representative Office of Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Kazakhstan by the Public Opinion Research Institute (Astana, Kazakhstan). A sociological research in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan was conducted in 2014-2015. According to a uniform methodology, youth surveys 1,000 respondents aged from 14 to 29 each, focus groups and in-depth interviews were conducted. The sociological research was based on the methodology of the German research project Shell Youth Study, conducted in Germany since 1953. Scientific adviser of the project: Professor Klaus Hurrelmann, one of the founders of the Shell Youth Study, and Peer Teschendorf, Head of the Representative Office of F. Ebert Foundation (2012-2016).
The research methodology is based on the application of international standards when choosing a survey method and conducting a research. The survey questionnaire was based on a basic questionnaire adapted for each country studied, and a joint briefing was held with researchers from four countries. In each country, a survey was conducted by regional supervisors. Four books prepared by national experts were published according to the results of a sociological research for each country. This comparative publication presents the main results of a sociological research conducted in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
The book was published with financial support of the Public Opinion Research Institute.
Youth in Central Asia: Kazakhstan.

Based on a sociological survey. Research Advisor: Prof. Klaus Hurrelmann (Berlin, Germany). Almaty, 2016 – pp. 285.
This analytical work, produced by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Representative Office in Kazakhstan, looks at the world of young people in Kazakhstan, and is based on the findings of a sociological study conducted across the country in 2014. Research methodology is based on that used in the Shell Youth Study, which is well-known in Europe, and adapted to the conditions and particularities of Kazakhstan. The survey centered on young people in Kazakhstan, and their main areas of interest, dreams and plans, values, opinions and conceptions, as well as on the issues and challenges they face in their socialization. Every reader will find something interesting and relevant in this report. This publication is intended for the general reader.
Youth in Central Asia. Kyrgyzstan.

Based on a sociological survey. Second edition. Research Advisor: Prof. Klaus Hurrelmann and Peer Teschendorf (Berlin, Germany). Almaty, 2016 – pp. 286.
The publication, prepared with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Representative Office in Kazakhstan, is dedicated to the world of youth in Kyrgyzstan, looks at the world of young people in Kyrgyzstan, and is based on the findings of a sociological study conducted in 2014 in Kyrgyz Republic. Research methodology is based on that used in the Shell Youth Study, which is well-known in Europe, and adapted to the conditions and particularities of Kyrgyzstan. The survey covers many aspects of the life of young people in Kyrgyzstan, involve topics such as religion, politics, democracy, fashion, economic situation, the rights of various segments of the population, as well as bad habits and issues of everyday life, employment and financial well-being.
This publication is intended for the general reader.
Youth in Central Asia. Tajikistan

Based on a sociological survey. Second edition. Research Advisor: Prof. Klaus Hurrelmann and Peer Teschendorf (Berlin, Germany). Almaty, 2017 – pp. 396.
The scientific work contains a comprehensive analysis of empirical data obtained in the framework of a sociological study of youth in Tajikistan conducted in 2015. The book analyzes the main views, beliefs and values of Tajikistani youth in relation to society, economy, politics, education, employment, lifestyle, family, sexual culture, social and religious life, integration initiatives. This edition is one of the final publications of the research project of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Representative Office in Kazakhstan “Youth of Central Asia”, including studies about Kazakhstan (2015), Kyrgyzstan (2016), Uzbekistan (2016). These studies were carried out according to the unified Shell Youth Study methodology, which makes it possible to use these materials for comparative purposes. The publication was prepared with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Representative Office in Kazakhstan. The work is intended for a wide range of specialists and readers interested in youth research and current trends in the life of society in Tajikistan.
Youth in Central Asia. Uzbekistan.

Based on a sociological survey. Second edition. Research Advisor: Prof. Klaus Hurrelmann and Peer Teschendorf (Berlin, Germany). Almaty, 2016 – pp. 280.
The monograph contains a comprehensive analysis of empirical data obtained in the framework of a sociological study of youth in Uzbekistan conducted in 2014. This public opinion survey covers the respondents' assessments of various spheres of state and public life of the country, the spiritual and moral state of youth, the attitude of young men and women to today's factors that determine the agenda both within the country and in the Central Asian region.
The publication was prepared with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Representative Office in Kazakhstan. The work is intended for a wide range of specialists and readers interested in modern trends in the life of society in Uzbekistan. Taking into account the use by researchers of the sociological methodology “Shell Youth Study” adapted to the conditions of Uzbekistan, the conclusions of the authors can be compared with previous publications of the Representative Office of Friedrich Ebert Representative Office Foundation in Kazakhstan about youth in Kazakhstan (2015) and Kyrgyzstan (2016).

The “FES Youth Studies” is an international youth research project carried out in many countries in East, Southeast Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. The main objective of the surveys has been to identify, describe and analyse attitudes of young people and patterns of behaviour in contemporary society. The data for this study was collected in May and June 2019 from 1,600 respondents aged 14–29. A broad range of issues were addressed, including young peoples’ experiences and aspirations in different realms of life, such as education, employment, political participation, family relationships, leisure and use of information and communications technology, but also their values, attitudes and beliefs. Findings are presented in both Russian and English language.

This project is implemented with the support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. The poll was conducted in July-August 2017. The sample consisted of 2,000 respondents aged 14-29 and represented the population of Ukraine of this age group by gender, age, region of residence, and size of the settlement (excluding population of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and uncontrolled territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions). The poll was conducted via personal interviews at respondents’ homes. The theoretical error does not exceed 2.2%. In addition to the quantitative poll, four focus groups with youth aged 18-29 were conducted in Lviv, Odesa, Kharkiv, and Chernihiv in October 2017.

The project "Independence Generation, Youth Study Armenia – 2016" presents a country wide empirical study, which provides analytical insights into the young generation's perceptions, awareness, expectations and approaches towards the changing realities. The study determines challenges young people face and identifies urgent tasks within the society.
Model and point of orientation for the study is the renowned Shell Youth Study, which is being carried out in Germany since 1953. A similar survey is implemented by FES in a range of other Eastern European and Central Asian countries.
The study "Independence Generation -Youth Study Armenia – 2016" initiated and funded by Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung (FES) Armenian Office in cooperation with the Faculty of Sociology of Yerevan State University.

The research involved a country-wide, representative survey that was conducted from May to June 2016 in Georgia among the youth aged between 14 and 29 years.They draw an interesting picture of Georgian youth by showing the challenges of young Georgians in terms of private, economic, and political life.
The study “Generation in Transition -Youth Study Georgia– 2016” initiated and funded by Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung (FES) Georgian Office.