On August 13-15, 2019 in Tashkent (Uzbekistan), as part of a research project, a meeting was held with the Director of the Scientific and Practical Research Center "Oila" under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Diloram Tashmukhamedova, professor of the Center for the Study of Central Asia of the University of Hankuk Kim Sangcheol (Seoul, South Korea), Director of the Public Opinion Research Institute Botagoz Rakisheva (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan).

On June 24, 2019 in Nur-Sultan, the IV FORUM OF HUMANITARIAN SCIENCES "GREAT STEP" was held on the topic: "Turkic civilization: from the origins to the present", organized by the International Turkic Academy, where Botagoz Rakisheva presented the report "Turkbarometer": social and cultural cooperation of Turkic-speaking countries".

On June 12, 2019 in Nur Sultan, the Kazakhstan Council on International Relations (KACIR) together with the Institute of Eurasian Studies of Shanghai International Studies University held the Kazakhstan-China Expert Forum. The forum of leading Kazakhstani and Chinese experts, researchers and practitioners was held according to the Chatham House rules (closed format), where experts of the two countries discussed key political, economic, socio-cultural issues of bilateral relations on the agenda, as well as current trends in global geopolitics and their impact to the countries of Central Asia. Botagoz Rakisheva, Director of the Public Opinion Research Institute, made a presentation at Session 3. Kazakhstan - China: expanding strategic partnership and perception costs.

On May 29-31, 2019, the X International Forum "MEMORY FOR THE FUTURE" dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions was held in Nur-Sultan. Organizers of the forum: Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, "Kogamdyk Kelisim" under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Scientific and Expert Council of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. Botagoz Rakisheva participated in the forum as a moderator of the Panel session: "Key trends in the development of research on historical memory: concepts, methods, prospects." At the I International Forum "MEMORY FOR THE FUTURE" in 2010, scientists from the Institute presented the documentary film "Deportation of Peoples to Kazakhstan 30-50 years of the XX Century" based on the results of an international sociological study.

On May 14-15, 2019 III Kazakhstan-Russian expert forum organized by the Kazakhstan Council on International Relations and the Valdai International Discussion Club was held in Nur-Sultan. During the Forum, experts discussed global geopolitical trends and their impact on the Eurasian space, current issues of Kazakh-Russian relations and the development of the EAEU, the foreign policy of China, the media partnership of Kazakhstan and Russia, new frameworks of cooperation in Central Asia, as well as the transformation of the social contract within the region . At the Fifth Session Botagoz Rakisheva, Director of the Public Opinion Research Institute, presented a report "A New Social Contract: Values, Identity, and the Transformation of Public Consciousness".

In April 2019, Botagoz Rakisheva, Director of the Public Opinion Research Institute and Aigul Sadvokassova, Head of the Center for the Study of Interethnic and Interfaith Relations of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Сhairman of the Scientific Expert Council of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, gave lectures at Shanghai International Studies University.

On January 30-31, 2019 in Almaty, Botagoz Rakisheva participated in the international high-level conference and the seminar "EU and Central Asia: Trends and Prospects", organized by the Central Asian Institute for Strategic Studies. The event was attended by representatives of state bodies, diplomatic missions, international organizations and NGOs, academic and research circles of the EU and Central Asia. At the conference, Botagoz Rakisheva presented a report entitled "Public Opinion of the Residents of the Central Asian Countries: Attitudes Toward Each Other and the EU, Prospects for Cooperation". These events are part of the SEnECA project "Strengthening and Enhancing Relations between the EU and Central Asia", which aims to determine the future frameworks of the EU Strategy in Central Asia. The SEnECA project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. For more information about the project see.: http://www.seneca-eu.net/.