Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana,
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«Политика США в Центральной Азии: украинский фактор». Данная экспертная встреча была проведена в рамках работы Cети экспертов Центральной и Южной Азии (NETWORK OF EXPERTS OF CENTRAL AND SOUTH ASIA). Эксперт: Хуман А. Садри, проф. Университета Центральной Флориды, координатор программы Модели ООН, член Исполнительного комитета ISA (Орландо, США). "US Politics in Central Asia: The Ukrainian Factor." This expert meeting was held as part of the Network of Experts of Central and South Asia. Expert: Hooman A. Sadri, prof. University of Central Florida, UN Model Program Coordinator, Member of the ISA Executive Committee (Orlando, USA).

"The experience of introducing the institution of mediation in European countries and new opportunities for Kazakhstan" (October 18, 2013). Experts: Professor Tatyana Dronzina, Doctor of Political Sciences, international mediator and conflictologist (Sofia, Bulgaria); Professor Antonio Lozano, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, professional mediator and conflictologist (Granada, Spain); Ralitsa Zhekova, Doctor of Political Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria).

"Methods of conflict analysis: forecasts, tools, mechanisms" (December 12, 2012). Experts: Rafael Graça, President of the International Catalan Institute for Peace, Professor at Department of International Relations at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain); Tatyana Dronzina, Professor Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Doctor of Political Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria); Hu Hongping, Lead Research Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences of the XUAR, Doctor of Economic Sciences (China).

"The Role and Status of Chinese Koreans in the Historical Homeland" (November 29, 2012). Expert: Sangcheol Kim, Professor at Institute of Central Asian Studies Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Seoul, South Korea).

"Research and education on Central Asia in Japanese scientific institutions" (October 4, 2012). Expert: Natsuko Oka, Researcher at the Institute of Developing Economics IDE-JETRO (Japan).