On December 22, 2023, in Almaty, Botagoz Rakisheva, Ph.D. gave a guest lecture for the Faculty of International Relations of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University on the topic “International comparative sociological research: methodology, results, prospects.”
Official website of the Faculty of International Relations of Al-Farabi KazNU:

On December 22, 2023, in Almaty, Botagoz Rakisheva, Ph.D. took part in the international scientific conference “Current issues of Korean studies in Kazakhstan in the context of Asian studies in the modern world”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences Kim German Nikolaevich. The conference was held at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
More details about the conference:

December 12, 2023, in Shanghai, research fellow Kalamkas Yessimova took part in the 3rd International Conference “Women’s views on the SCO: Quality cooperation.” The conference was organized by the Shanghai Academy of International Studies, the Think Tank Construction Foundation of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, and the Chinese SCO Committee for Good Neighborhood, Friendship and Cooperation.
Kalamkas Yessimova presented a report on the topic “Chinese initiatives in international scientific sociological research” within the framework of Section 2. “Humanitarian cooperation within the SCO: Mutual study of civilizations and regional identity”.
More information about the conference: https://www.siis.org.cn/jx/15346.jhtml

On November 22, 2023, online (ZOOM)/offline workshop “Household and community access to energy in the Fergana Valley – a multidimensional survey-based assessment in three CAREC countries” was held in Namangan, Uzbekistan. During the seminar, the results of surveys conducted by the CAREC Institute, the Asian Development Bank Institute together with the Public Opinion Research Institute in three countries – Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan - were discussed. At the seminar, Ph.D., Director of the Institute, National Consultant of the Asian Development Bank Botagoz Rakisheva presented the results of this research.
Read more: https://opinions.kz/en/events/scientific-seminars

On November 3, 2023 Botagoz Rakisheva, took part in the First meeting of the working group on the mediation field development, which took place at the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Representatives of central state and local executive bodies and heads of mediation organizations took part in it.
More details:

Modern. Technologically advanced. Stylish!
On October 11, 2023 in Astana, the Otandastar Forum organized by the Otandastar Foundation was held. More than 200 delegates, representatives of the Kazakh diaspora, a lot of young people came to the Forum from all over the world. Speakers were interesting, dynamic and memorable!
There were sessions: “The role of compatriots in the development of the country”, “Intellectual potential of compatriots - a driver for the promotion of national values”, “Kazakh language in the XXI century and the opportunities of today”, “Media and modern trends”.
Special mention should be made of the design of the hall, program, badges, etc. The symbol of the Forum KURAK KORPE (a quilt made of colorful pieces of cloth, patchwork) was very organically integrated into the general Concept of the event.
The video that opened the Forum particularly impressed everyone!
Thanks to the Forum organizers and partners for an important and necessary event.
At the Forum we, the Public Opinion Research Institute by order of NJSC Otandastar Foundation conducted a survey of foreign participants, the results of which were announced at the end of the event.
Interviewers from the Public Opinion Research Institute surveyed foreign delegates to the Forum
On September 21-24, 2023, the Regional Conference of the European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS) “Power, people and cultural change in an ever-evolving Central Asia” was held in Almaty (Kazakhstan). Co-organizers: KIMEP, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakh-German University.
Public Opinion Research Institute held the Panel “Central Asian Migration in the Countries of the World: Identity, Adaptation, Integration” and the Round table “WVS / WAPOR: Transformation of the values of Central Asian societies in the 21st century” as part of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Institute.
Read more: https://opinions.kz/en/events/escas-2023

On August 17-18, 2023, in Almaty, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) - the United Nations Agency for Migration, together with partners the Otandastar Foundation and the World Association of Kazakhs, held an international seminar-forum on interaction with the Kazakh diaspora and compatriots abroad.
Researchers of the Institute Botagoz Rakisheva, Kalamkas Yessimova and Ainur Mazhitova took part in the seminar-forum.
Botagoz Rakisheva made a presentation “The position and main trends of representatives of the Kazakh diaspora and compatriots abroad on the example of Kazakhs in Europe, Turkey and South Korea”.
We are at a new stage in Kazakhstan’s diaporal policy. Following the Concept of the “Migration Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2027”, a “Communication Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for work with compatriots living abroad for 2024-2028” has been developed. The “Communication Strategy” was the result of a two-year work of the International Organization for Migration and the Otandastar Foundation JSC, with the direct participation of the World Association of Kazakhs. It should be noted that during the preparation, Kazakhstan and international experience was taken into account, studies were carried out, discussions were held with representatives of state bodies, the non-governmental sector, and scientists.
The purpose of the communication strategy is to establish a productive dialogue with compatriots living abroad, as well as to increase the effectiveness of interaction and their involvement in the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition, the strategy is aimed at creating a positive image of Kazakhstan in the eyes of the international community and at enhancing the prestige of the country in the world.
We are grateful to the developers of the Communication Strategy and hope that the Strategy will make a significant contribution in establishing relations with compatriots abroad!

On June 27, 2023, founder, project director Botagoz Rakisheva, deputy director Ainur Mazhitova, analyst-methodologist Kalamkas Yessimova and foreign intern of the Institute Eugenia Pesci took part in the Meeting of the working group to develop recommendations for the Communication Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan on work with compatriots living abroad for 2024-2028. The meeting was organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Astana.
The purpose of the meeting was to develop key recommendations and feedback on the draft strategy in order to introduce a whole-of-government approach to this document. During the meeting Botagoz Rakisheva presented the results of the project “Onomastic Analysis for Mapping the Kazakh Diaspora” commissioned by IOM, conducted by the Public Opinion Research Institute in the period from December 2021 to August 2022. Within the framework of this research, 200 respondents-representatives of the Kazakh diaspora living in the Russian Federation were interviewed. The results of this research are presented in a publication available at the link: https://kazakhstan.iom.int/resources/onomastic-analysis-kazakh-diaspora-russian-federtaion
Also, during the meeting, the draft Strategy for communication with the Kazakh diaspora and compatriots abroad was considered. The action plan of the communication strategy was discussed with the participants and recommendations for its improvement were developed.

On June 23, 2023, deputy director Ainur Mazhitova, methodologist-analyst Kalamkas Yessimova and scientific researcher Amina Khassanova took part in the round table “Interaction between organizations from Russia and Kazakhstan in the field of developing mechanisms for working with migrants”. The round table was organized by the Charitable Foundation for the Support and Development of Educational and Social Projects “PSP-Fund” (Russia) and the NGO Legal Center for Women’s Initiatives “Sana Sezim” (Kazakhstan). The round table was held within the framework of the “Migration and Development. Dissemination of successful technologies of Russian NGOs in the system of pre-departure training of migrants through the development of cooperation between public organizations of Russia, EAEU and CIS” project implemented with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund of the Russian Federation. During the round table, the participants discussed trends, legislation, regulation of migration processes in the Russian Federation and other topical issues.
The second half of the event was covered by the training “Migration policy of the Russian Federation and the interaction of organizations in Russia and Kazakhstan in working with migrants”. The trainers were Boris Panich (Director of the Charitable Foundation “PSP-Fund”, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation) and Andrey Yakimov (project coordinator of the Charitable Foundation “PSP-Fund”, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). During the training, the following topics were discussed: the migration policy of the Russian Federation, the possibilities and mechanisms for interaction between organizations in Russia and Kazakhstan, the mechanisms and practices of promoting the legal and socio-cultural adaptation of migrant workers and their families in the Russian Federation.