FLAME BURNING ETERNALLY/edited by B.I. Rakisheva, А.А. Sarym/Public Opinion Research Institute, Scientific and Expert Council of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. –Astana: — Baspa. – 2011 – 208 pages.
This publication contains materials of the international project "Modern interpretations of Alash Orda philosophy among the Kazakh Diaspora: status, assessment, lessons (socio-historical analysis)", commissioned by the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan and the National Welfare Fund Samruk-Kazyna.
The publication contains articles by scientists from Kazakhstan, Turkey, Russia, China, Germany, Austria, and France, the United States, Japan and interviews with experts.
In addition, interviews with descendants of ethnic Kazakhs who saw the famine in the 20-30s of the XX century are presented.

"Deportation of peoples to Kazakhstan in 1930-1950: common history" (interviews with victims of deportations to Kazakhstan in 1930-50) edited by B. Rakisheva. — Astana, 2013. — 683 p. — (Oral History Series).
The publication was prepared with the support of Public Opinion Research Institute.
The texts of interviews conducted within the framework of the international project "Memory for the future", initiated by the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and the Interstate Fund for humanitarian cooperation of the CIS member States in 2010 are published. 82 in-depth interviews were conducted with those deported to Kazakhstan in 1930-1950 and their family members (interviews were conducted in Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Armenia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Germany, Moldova, and Turkey). Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Belarusians, Gagauzs, Germans, Poles, Greeks, Jews, Chechens, Ingush, Balkars, Crimean Tatars, Meskhetian Turks, Karachays, Koreans, Kurds who were deported to Kazakhstan and currently live in Kazakhstan and abroad were interviewed. Part of the interviews was conducted with residents who lived near the internally displaced people. The book also contains texts of interviews with research scientists from the Russian Federation, South Korea, the Great Britain, the United States, and Turkey.
A documentary movie "Deportation of peoples to Kazakhstan in 1930-1950: common history" was prepared according to the results of the project. It was presented at the Forum of historians in Astana on 28 may 2010, and the first public screening of the film took place on 31 may 2010, on day of memory of victims of political repression on national Kazakhstan TV channel "Khabar".

The first book of the series – "Female face of terrorism" of Tatyana Dronzina, professor at Department of Political Science, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Doctor of political Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria).
The monograph "Female face of terrorism" is devoted to the study of female suicidal terrorism as a phenomenon of the modern world with deep historical roots. The book gives a deep theoretical analysis of terrorism, discloses various approaches to the study of this problem, and defines the definitions and terms of suicidal terrorism as an object of scientific research. The author also examines the political and religious motives of terrorism.
The empirical base of work is based on a detailed analysis of a series of suicidal acts committed in Lebanon (1985-1987), Sri Lanka (1987-2008), Turkey (1996-1999), Chechnya (2000-2004), and Palestine (2002-2006).